At our Melbourne facility, the
locksmithing department can cater to any specific keying requirement.
A variety of systems are available, including:
Keyed Alike
A keyed alike system is one where 2 or more locks are to be operated
by the same key.
Master Key System
A master key system is one in which each lock has its own individual
key which operates that lock only and no other. Within the system each
lock is built to a master key which will open all locks in the group.
Within the master key system locks can be grouped and keyed alike if required.
These locks would still be operated by the master key.
Grand Master Key System
Eachlock has an individual key which operates that lock only and no
other, but the locks are divided into 2 or more groups. Each group is
operated by a master key which operates all locks in that group, but will
not operate other groups. However, the grand master key will operate all
locks in all groups. Within each group, locks can be keyed alike if required.
These locks would still be operated by the grand master key system.
Great Grand Master Key System
This system applies where 2 or more grand master key systems are required,
with each grand master key system able to be operated by the great grand
master key.
Maison Key System
A maison key system is one in which 2 or more individual keys that
differ from each other operate a common lock, eg. foyer access. This system,
if required, can be included in a master key system.
Project Key System
A project key system is one in which one or more locks are operated
by a common key (project key) and an individual owner key supplied to
each lock. The owner key is not used during construction (Fig. 1). The
use of the owner key cancels out the project key and renders it inoperative
in that particular lock on any future occasion (Fig. 2.)
Project Master Key System
A project master key system is one which incorporates the benefits
of both project and master key systems. The master or individual key is
not used during construction (Fig. 3.) When the master or individual key
is first used, the project keys are rendered inoperative (Fig. 4). The
locks will then operate as a standard master key system.
Keying Codes
KA Keyed Alike
MK Master Keyed
GMK Grand Master Keyed
GGMK Great Grand Master Keyed
MA Maison Keyed
PK Project Keyed
PMK Project Master Keyed